This June, HBO’s Euphoria will propel an already impressive cast into superstardom. The show — produced by Drake — follows a group of teenagers (played by Zendaya, Algee Smith, Storm Reid and more) who’re navigating the minefield of experiencing first-time independence, while trying to define who they are.
Given a contemporary update over your classic high school tropes, Euphoria’s inclusive storyline follows authentic facets of life like addiction, affairs and LGBTQ+ relationships as well as slut-shaming and body shaming. Our cover star Jacob Elordi plays Nate, perhaps one of your more typical high school characters, a “jock” type and a straight up bully, but Elordi assures us things are more complex than they may seem.
We won’t know until it airs on 16 June, but pre-order the Summer issue of Wonderland in the meantime where we get existential and lost in a DMC with The Kissing Booth star.
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Press/Photos: ‘Wonderland’ Magazine & Photo Session
14 Jun 2019
Written by Emily